Coffee Dates & Divine Appointments
Written By Becca Gutknecht
For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.
Psalm 62:5
When I consider God in the divine sense, Phil Wickham’s “Way Maker” lyrics come to mind: “Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness.” As of late, they give me pause. For the last few years, I had a hard time grasping the idea of miracles. Do I want one? You betcha. Do I pray for one? Mhmm. But I haven’t seen a glimpse of a miracle. I’ve taken this to God, mulled it over in my mind, and gone on numerous coffee dates considering this concept of our Miracle Worker.
As I prayed and listened for His voice, I grew to understand that miracles don’t have to be grand, but instead, quiet. God does not have to be big to make mountains move; sometimes his most divine work is in the still moments. And you know where I’ve found God? Coffee dates, or as I’d like to call them, divine appointments.
Yeah, you heard it. Coffee dates. And the funny thing is… I don’t drink coffee, but oh do I love a cute little cafe with a warm cup of tea in hand and a toasted muffin on the side. And God knows it. He knows me well enough to know that I enjoy meeting with people in small groups in cozy environments. He knows how to speak my language and get on my level of reception.
It took me time to get to this point of recognizing God’s presence in these interactions. It started one morning a year ago during a Coastline Sunday service when Sue MacKenzie gave an announcement. I didn’t know who she was or what she was about, but God whispered, “Becca, I want you to get coffee with her.” I begrudgingly tracked her down, met a couple weeks later, and have been meeting her for coffee a few times a month ever since. And I can’t tell you how much of a blessing she has been to my personal growth as a Christian.
I’ve had these same kinds of whispers happen a couple of times now. God called me to talk to Kelcy Messick and Nikki Hernandez, and I can see very clearly that God intervened on my behalf and brought these wonderful Coastline women to my feet.
So now when I hear that still small voice, “Becca, I have a new coffee date for you,” I don’t hesitate; I run open-armed, screaming, “LET’S GET COFFEE” to the next poor soul who catches my gaze. (I’m kidding, but you get the idea.)
If you ask me now, “Is God a Miracle Worker?” Yes, but not always in the way we hope or expect. He’s in the mundane, sitting next to you in the chair during your Monday morning coffee date. He’s listening and he’s guiding your steps. God works miracles and you can see them if you just pause to be still.
As I prayed and listened for His voice, I grew to understand that miracles don’t have to be grand, but instead, quiet. God does not have to be big to make mountains move; sometimes his most divine work is in the still moments. And you know where I’ve found God? Coffee dates, or as I’d like to call them, divine appointments.
Yeah, you heard it. Coffee dates. And the funny thing is… I don’t drink coffee, but oh do I love a cute little cafe with a warm cup of tea in hand and a toasted muffin on the side. And God knows it. He knows me well enough to know that I enjoy meeting with people in small groups in cozy environments. He knows how to speak my language and get on my level of reception.
It took me time to get to this point of recognizing God’s presence in these interactions. It started one morning a year ago during a Coastline Sunday service when Sue MacKenzie gave an announcement. I didn’t know who she was or what she was about, but God whispered, “Becca, I want you to get coffee with her.” I begrudgingly tracked her down, met a couple weeks later, and have been meeting her for coffee a few times a month ever since. And I can’t tell you how much of a blessing she has been to my personal growth as a Christian.
I’ve had these same kinds of whispers happen a couple of times now. God called me to talk to Kelcy Messick and Nikki Hernandez, and I can see very clearly that God intervened on my behalf and brought these wonderful Coastline women to my feet.
So now when I hear that still small voice, “Becca, I have a new coffee date for you,” I don’t hesitate; I run open-armed, screaming, “LET’S GET COFFEE” to the next poor soul who catches my gaze. (I’m kidding, but you get the idea.)
If you ask me now, “Is God a Miracle Worker?” Yes, but not always in the way we hope or expect. He’s in the mundane, sitting next to you in the chair during your Monday morning coffee date. He’s listening and he’s guiding your steps. God works miracles and you can see them if you just pause to be still.
Reflective Question
for the Day
When is your next coffee date?
Is God whispering to you to meet with someone?
Lean in and see where He takes you because it might just lead to a miracle.
Becca is a tea-loving, cozy vibe gal with a heart for deep conversations and crafty afternoons. Her pride and joy is her six-month-old Golden Retriever, Robin. For the holidays, she likes to spend her time driving around the South Bay to be mesmerized by Christmas lights and hot cocoa.