Our Vision
To live as God's beloved family, inviting all to experience Jesus
Our mission
To create joyful and courageous followers of Jesus
Family is a big deal to us, and being a family that loves Jesus and lives for Him is what we long for and desire to be as a community. We want to create followers of Jesus who experience that love with one another and share that love with the world around them, inviting the world to join our family.
We have four values below that we believe are the best way to create this community. You will see these values lived out in our sermon series, in our structure, in our events, and really everything that we do.

Boldly Biblical
We are a church who believes that the Bible reveals to us the character and purposes of God. Through its study we learn more about who He is, who we are in relationship to Him, and our place in the great story that He is writing.
When you come to Coastline, you will experience a church who takes joy in the reading and studying of the Scriptures because we take joy in God. We boldly, passionately, and joyfully center everything we do on the Word of God.
When you come to Coastline, you will experience a church who takes joy in the reading and studying of the Scriptures because we take joy in God. We boldly, passionately, and joyfully center everything we do on the Word of God.

Spirit Seeking
We believe that God is active in the life of the believer through the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit. This Spirit reveals Christ, reminds us of his teaching, and transforms us until we look and act more like Jesus.
We also believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts of unbelievers, convicting, stirring, calling, and drawing people back into a restored relationship with him. As a church, we want to be a place where we are listening and ready for the Spirit's movement.
We also believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts of unbelievers, convicting, stirring, calling, and drawing people back into a restored relationship with him. As a church, we want to be a place where we are listening and ready for the Spirit's movement.

Wholly Worshiping
When you come to Coastline, you will be joining with a group of believers who live and love to worship. We worship a holy God wholly: we want to bring our full selves--heart, soul, mind, and strength--to worship (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).
For us, worship isn't just a few songs in the beginning and the end of the service. We recognize that the life of a Christian ought be defined by worship, and at Coastline we will invite our family members to orient their lives around our God, who deserves all the glory.
For us, worship isn't just a few songs in the beginning and the end of the service. We recognize that the life of a Christian ought be defined by worship, and at Coastline we will invite our family members to orient their lives around our God, who deserves all the glory.

Fully Family
We believe that the Bible's most poignant and beautiful description of the church is that of a family. This is a captivating picture, and it has inspired us to do everything at Coastline as a family.
This is what makes us Coastline. When you arrive on a Sunday, you're not just coming to a worship service., you're coming to a family reunion that God has initiated by calling each one of us sons and daughters (2 Corinthians 6:18).
This is what makes us Coastline. When you arrive on a Sunday, you're not just coming to a worship service., you're coming to a family reunion that God has initiated by calling each one of us sons and daughters (2 Corinthians 6:18).
The covenant affirmations
The Evangelical Covenant Denomination has six affirmations that help define who they are as a denomination, and that we hold to as a church within the denomination.
For more on each of these, please see the link.
For more on each of these, please see the link.
1- We affirm the centrality of the word of God.
2- We affirm the necessity of the new birth.
3- We affirm a commitment to the whole mission of the church.
4- We affirm the church as a fellowship of believers.
5- We affirm a conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit.
6- We affirm the reality of freedom in Christ.
In our Blueprints teaching series from late Spring 2023, we talked about our church growing up from a church plant into the teenage phase where we are now building on the foundation.
If you want to know more about our church, that teaching series is a great place to start. Check out that teaching series here.
If you want to know more about our church, that teaching series is a great place to start. Check out that teaching series here.
Constitution and By-Laws
Below is the link to our new Constitution and By-Laws. See the sermon from May21st 2023 for more insight.