SUNDAYS  at 11:30 AM

301 Avenue D, Redondo Beach, CA 
In Acts 17, Paul gives one of his greatest sermons to some of the most educated intellectuals the world has ever known. In this sermon, he points out that God has “marked out out appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him”. 

In short, God has chosen you and I live right here, right now, so that we could know him. 

That is quite a thought, especially given that most of us look around at our world and simply see tremendous challenges and conflicts. How can living here and now actually lead us closer to God? And… how can I actually join God in helping others know him?

Join us this summer as we study the character of Jesus, whose life made an impact 2000 years ago that resonates even today.

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